
Once I understood why I liked long hair, I could cut it off.  While the weather was cool, hair brushing against my neck felt luxurious.  I had to think about why it pleased me.  You see, I never had anything near my neck until I grew up.  When I was in my 20’s, I wore turtleneck tops and warm scarves, having moved from Tennessee to New York.  I felt cosseted and pampered with luxuriously soft fabrics caressing my neck.  Long hair gave me the same feeling.  It wasn’t the same as the temperatures rose, and what was once a luxury became a curse.  I didn’t have to live with that botheration and begged son $ to trim it.  We had the barbering session on the open deck near the bird feeder.  A lot of the hair blew off in the wind, but some of it was recycled.  I saw a song sparrow carry off one big curl in its beak.  You know the old saying, hair today and gone tomorrow.

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4 thoughts on “Lightheaded

  1. I never actually notice the colour of my hair until it’s lying on the floor in front of me. I think my eyes must gravitate towards the darker patches when I look in the mirror but when it’s on the floor there’s no denying the white.Unless of course they’re salting it with grey/white hair from the local barbers.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

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    1. My hair is gray now, but I’m hoping it will be silver like my late mother-in-law’s hair. Hers was beautiful. In her last years, her hair was snow white. Do you feel, like I do, that I earned every gray strand?

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