Logan Spends the Night

These are exciting times in our neighborhood. We began the day walking toward the sunrise and the dawn mist.

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Shawn and Bob (our neighbors across the street) drove to Atlanta to pick up their daughter who flew in from Turkey. This would be the first time they would see their six-month-old grandson in person. The flight arrived in the evening, and no one could tell how long it might take to get through customs. Because of that, we kept their son Logan overnight. Fun for us!

We picked him up at the bus stop, and while Logan and John let the dogs out, I baked some chocolate chip cookies. We had our cookie break on the back porch.

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The fellows played a few games of Chinese checkers before we walked the two dogs to the stop sign and back. Logan scrambled up a steep bank with dog Abbie, where he waved to a passing car.

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As we walked, Logan wondered if he could go to a park to play. John was game, so the two of them went to the school playground to kick around his soccer ball. I prepared a jack o lantern meat pie.

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I knew Logan liked cantaloupe, so we had that and Snickers apple salad. He ate very nicely, taking seconds of the salad. Who wouldn’t? It had a Snickers candy bar in it! The recipe was on Food.com in a collection of Halloween foods. I cut the candy in such tiny pieces that Logan couldn’t pick them out from the crisp apple slices and cream cheese dressing.

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John supervised Logan’s shower, and I watched a television show with him before we put him to bed. The last time he was here, he began the night in the upper bunk bed and ended up on a recliner in my room. When given a choice this time, he chose the recliner.

24 thoughts on “Logan Spends the Night

    1. Yes, David, it’s a win/win situation. Maybe there should be another “win” in that, since Logan’s parents had a night off to concentrate on their older daughter.

      xxx Huge Sleepy Hugs xxx I must get to bed! That boy will be lively tomorrow.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. I love it when you share pictures and sweet stories about your family and friends, I feel closer to you every time you share these things with us. I told my husband, I feel as if I know you and I wish I could come for a visit, you obviously make everyone feel warm and welcomed! Logan is a lucky boy!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Kim. I’ve always felt like an open b ook, so it means you read well. If you ever come to the mountains of NC, I would love to have you visit our neighborhood. Thanks for being a good blogging friend.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. What a delightful opportunity for you all. What a sweet little fellow and so cute that he chose to go straight to the recliner this time. Adorable! Would you give him a little hug from me too? 🙂 I’m glad you get to do this once in awhile. You obviously are very good with children, Anne. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I must hasten to set the record straight. It’s my husband who is a magnet for children. He has a wonderful way with people. My talent is more along the lines of writing about the children and the things they do. I love Logan, but his eyes always search for John. Hugs to you, too.

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    1. Logan is certainly a blessing. He was adopted by our neighbors shortly after we moved here. They had him as a foster child prior to that. He had a very rough beginning, so Shawn and Bob are miracle workers. Thanks for reading about him and commenting.

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    1. Thank you Sheryl. Wish I deserved a compliment! I saw something similar on Food.com I always wanted to be an artist. Oh! to be able to draw and paint! I tried. I found it was far easier to use words than a brush.

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      1. There are lots of kinds of artists. You’re a word artist.In my book you are also a food artist. You saw something you liked in a magazine, and interpreted it using your pie plate and skills to create a fun and beautifully presented pie.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. And we are fortunate to have Logan! I haven’t written much about his adoptive parents. Shawn is an artist who is forever changing decorative things around their house. Bob is a retired builder who can do anything. Anything! He installed three solar tubes in dark areas of our house, and he is our go-to person for quick answers to all kinds of questions. We have magical neighbors.

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