Celebrating Seven

We were very aware that it was neighbor Logan’s seventh birthday. John and David were in New York, so we said ahead of time that we’d like to celebrate with him at a later date. Grandson Nathaniel and I called birthday greetings to him as we drove out to run errands. Logan and his foster brother Dennis were skate boarding on the street. I thought he looked a little pensive, but that’s probably because I knew his mother had a terrible sinus infection and would not be having a family party for him that day.

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Nathaniel and I put our heads together that afternoon, wondering what we could do for Logan. We decided a seven-year-old should have party games to jazz up his birthday. Our list of choices included hide Uncle Sam, batting a balloon about, flying gliders in the yard, working a small jigsaw puzzle, and playing checkers. Logan came in the door, showing all the things he could do with his new spinner.

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He chose the hiding game first. Some years ago we had a tiny porcelain figure of Uncle Sam that had come in a box of Red Rose tea. We used it instead of a thimble, taking turns hiding it in plain view for the others to find. Poor Uncle Sam broke his legs off when we dropped him, and Kate’s Michael glued him back together. He resurfaced a few days ago, fell on the floor, broke his legs, and was re-glued by Nathaniel. The next time he falls, we might rename him Humpty Dumpty. Nathaniel was hiding Uncle S when I took a photo of Dennis and Logan playing with their spinners.

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Logan’s second choice was to play checkers. Dennis played against him the first time, and I took a shot of Nathaniel as the second opponent. Dennis devised a marble maze in the background.

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A few days ago Nathaniel baked a cake for his brother David, and I asked if there would be a spoonful of icing he could save for Logan. I KNEW Logan would love it, because when we kept him for a few days some months ago, he said he would love a chocolate cupcake for a snack after school. I made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing for him, and all he did was lick the icing off. Yes, he’s a boy after my own heart. Nathaniel, bless his heart, saved about three tablespoons of icing. He slipped into the kitchen and got it ready. It’s a mystery to me how a boy with a bowl and a spoon can spread icing all over himself, but Logan is a master at it. He also downed a glass of milk, which probably turned brown as it passed through his chocolated mouth.

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Playing with Nerf guns was not on our list, but that’s what Logan wanted to do. Nathaniel shooed me into the safety of my bedroom to write while the war raged outside the door. He came back to get me as the boys were leaving. Both young and old boys had a lovely thank you for me, which I would like to redirect to Nathaniel, the one who really earned it.

21 thoughts on “Celebrating Seven

    1. I think Dennis and Nathaniel enjoyed providing fun for Logan. The birthday boy was the only one who had icing. The rest of us had a glass of soda to celebrate. If I had eaten icing, I wouldn’t have wasted any on my face!


    1. I saw a spinner for the first time a few weeks ago. They are all the rage here. Presumably they have passed all kinds of safety tests. I tried out one of Logan’s, and I was clumsy with it. He was much better than I was.


    1. Our impromptu games party was fun. As to icing, I used to bake a dessert of their choosing for my coworkers on their birthdays. One of the partners said he really liked chocolate icing, so I set aside a cup of icing for him to take home after we had his cake.


  1. Ah, this was so lovely Anne! I can just about feel the excitement of it all! So pleased the lad had a happy time; Logan is sure to remember the impromptu-ness of his birthday for a lonnnng time!


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