A Hummer in the House? Almost!!

The hummingbird feeders were getting low on sugar water. I boiled a cup of water and ¼ cup of white sugar in the microwave and let it cool. The new feeder holds a half cup, so I pulled that one in first. The bathroom is only a few feet from the sliding glass door to the deck, so that’s where I rinsed the feeder. The feeder couldn’t have been gone more than a minute or so. As I was walking back on the deck, an impatient hummingbird darted toward me. The feeder was still an inch inside the house! I paused to let him drink and said to myself, “You are a silly fool! Get outside! You don’t want him flying inside the house!”

That bird kept trying to drink as I hung up the feeder. My hand was only two or three inches from him. I’m undecided whether to admire his bravery or call him foolish for being such a glutton.

Now sing with me, to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell. The hummer’s in the house, the hummer’s in the house, hi-ho the derry-oh, the hummer’s in the house.

27 thoughts on “A Hummer in the House? Almost!!

  1. That must have been fantastic to be near enough to feel the effect of those wings going ten to the dozen. I love their shimmering colours. I’m sorry they’re not a species to visit these shores.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


    1. We have only one kind of hummingbird in our area, but western states have more. I was thrilled that these came to our feeders so quickly. Wish I could share some with you.

      xxx humming hugs xxx


      1. They are a bundle of energy aren’t they? I’ve never had hummingbird feeders – afraid to put out any feeders at all since the rat issue – can’t even put out birdbaths anymore. I really miss doing that for my feathered friends.


          1. We had a rat problem after a new neighbor moved in and he had a pit bull which he left outside 24/7/365 and he fed it table scraps on top of it. We had rats (Marge and our house) within a few months. I had to remove all the birdfeeders and birdbaths.
            The feeders attracted the rats under the feeder and the reason I had to get rid of the birdbaths (I should have clarified this) was because we got a pest service in with bait boxes with poison placed inside the boxes. We did the service for Marge and our house.
            You have to get rid of the birdbaths for two reasons – the rats eat the poison and it dries their insides so that they have to drink … they go to the birdbath and drink then the poison does not kill them as quickly or effectively. Also, because it draws the birds to drink and bathe and the rat germs may be around and they get sick. It broke my heart to get rid of their food and drinks and baths and for a few years afterward, they would perch on the chain link fence looking at me every morning when I worked in the yard (used to water and weed before I started the walking regimen and then polar vortexes took over the yard and lost many plants/bushes, etc.) … but they looked at me like “why did you do this to us?”

            Liked by 1 person

    1. I read that the bigger the bird, the more afraid it will be. The blue jay is much more nervous than a song sparrow. The little hummingbird must feel it can get away from anything.


  2. OMG, that’s amazing, he was either SO fearless or SO thirsty! Or both, right? Reminds me of the time a bird flew into our apartment when I was a kid. Guess a window’s screen had a hole in it or something. A black bird, smaller than a crow, it flew desperately from one room into another, never alighting anywhere, looking for an exit from this strange closed-in area! I forget how we finally got it out – it probably involved my mom with a broom, and a closed room (with bird inside), and the open window!


  3. My gran told me once that that butterflies, dragonflies, and hummingbirds were ‘visits’ from those who’ve passed. I think about that every time I see one of those creatures. It’s amazing it let you that close without fear. If what my gran said is true, someone really wanted to be near to you. Dawn


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