Homegrown Rainbow

This has been a summer of rain. It’s surprising to me that we didn’t see more rainbows. It wasn’t for lack of looking. Every time I noticed sun shining on rain, I’d peek out the window in hopes of seeing one. I’d almost stopped looking when I spotted this one. It wasn’t any old rainbow. It was one hill over from the pasture. Dim and homely? Yes, but it was almost in our backyard! The wicked wisteria on the pergola was reaching for it as I pulled the camera from my pocket. I won! I caught it, and the wisteria didn’t.

081018 Backyard rainbow.JPG

30 thoughts on “Homegrown Rainbow

  1. Great capture Anne and amazingly, it’s not in the sky, but across the bushes instead. I’ve never captured a rainbow’s image and can’t say I’ve even seen that many in my lifetime. Ann Marie saw one last year and texted the picture to me and I think I used it that day’s blog post.


      1. It was amazing. The one I used in the post by Ann Marie, we had a gulley-washer and within minutes after that torrential rain ended, the sun came out and was very bright and I never thought to look for a rainbow. Ann Marie went to take the trash out and said it was the biggest rainbow she’d ever seen.

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