Back to College

The day after cousins Debi and Peter arrived, grandson Nathaniel had to go back to college. We had lunch after church in Asheville.

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Nathaniel, John, Lise, Debi, Peter

All six of us piled in the car and drove to Charlotte. It probably took two and a half hours. We figured we could visit in the car and not miss a moment of being together. Photos taken during a break show the faces of three of our traveling guests.


Nathaniel offered to pose in his dorm room, and who was I to refuse?

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Nathaniel’s bed is the neat one.

In the parking lot, I saw his view of the city of Charlotte for the first time. Those tall buildings were just a few blocks away. The stadium was in view, too. We knew the trip home was going to be long, because a game had just let out. There were various groups of people dressed alike and walking together, as well as gridlock in the streets. John deftly maneuvered us away from the city center, and we shortly hit molasses traffic on the interstate. Lise used to live in the area, so she directed us on back streets. The trip home was twice as long as it would have been on a normal day, but we could talk as much or as little as we liked.

The next day, as we sat at the dining room table, I said, “I miss Nathaniel.”

I may have imagined that Lise and John steeled themselves for an outburst of grandmotherly grief. They laughed when I continued, “No matter where he sat at the table, he could reach anything and pass it to you.”

A footnote for Rooster: Nathaniel told us at church that he had forgotten something at the house. In the hubbub of leaving, he didn’t lower the mirror in the foyer. We all agreed this was not a terrible thing, since he will be back for Christmas in less than a month.

22 thoughts on “Back to College

  1. Glad the Chef is back safe in his dorm and you are home safe as well. Perhaps the misdeed of not lowering the mirror shall carry a penance. An extra dessert of your choosing could be applied. Failure to lower or raise is a right of passage Nathaniel, quote the Rooster “Never More”.


  2. You are so funny that Nathaniel could reach anything on the table – everyone waited for a flood of tears. 🙂 The dorm room was nice – Nathaniel’s bed perfect! How long is Nathaniel’s schooling until he is done Anne?


    1. This is Nathaniel’s first semester, and he hopes to go for four years. The first two years he has cooking classes, and the second two involve classes related to business management. He’d get a bachelor’s degree at the end of four years. I presume he’d have certification and an associate’s degree after two.

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    1. The students are responsible for more now than they were in my day. Nathaniel and his roommates have to supply their own toilet paper. Lise said the other room in the suite had nice decorations, even a string of Christmas lights! The fellows have to clean their floors and bathroom, which I think is a good thing. That’s something I never did in the dorm. Of course, we won’t talk about how little I do now!

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      1. Interesting. We had no suites. Just individual rooms with 2 or 3 girls in them and a community bathroom for the whole floor. Three showers + 25 girls to using them taught me the fine art of negotiation!


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