Stay-at-Home Mom

I retired four and a half years ago, but I discovered today that I am a stay-at-home mom. The light dawned while I was texting with both daughter Kate and her son David at the same time. She was home from work and commenting on how cold it was in New Jersey. David had a break at work and chatted with me while he ate. Daughter Lise in Denmark called via Messenger to tell me some good news. We talked well past her bed time. I looked at a message from son John $ that came in during that call. He was letting us know there is another special train show on TV tonight. This was highly unusual to communicate with all three children and one grandchild in the space of an hour. I’m thrilled I was at home and could do it.

35 thoughts on “Stay-at-Home Mom

  1. We all take instant technological communication/connection for granted now. It seems so normal, and to be able to do it with so many of your family members within an hour is way cool. But it’s easy to forget that, so your post is a good reminder to be grateful.


  2. We have noticed an odd phenomenon in our household in that we might not hear from the kids in a week or so, but then we will hear from one and the other two contact us generally withing 15 minutes. They live states and job schedules apart so it’s quite odd. I love it, though 🙂


  3. Retirement has been a blessing for me too. I love being available to babysit my grandchildren at a moment’s notice and free to take my son (who sometimes works evenings rather than during the day) out for breakfast.


      1. That works – my mom used to write to her mom weekly too and then she started calling her after 7:00 p.m. every Wednesday. They’d talk for five minutes – had a timer nearby and the timer would ring and they’d hang up in 30 seconds. Hard to say everything you want in five minutes though.


  4. What a novel idea to be a stay-at-home Mom as a retiree. After a long teaching career, I retired three years ago. Technology, in this case, is a wonderful tool to remain in touch with family and friends. Sometimes the iPad at the ready for photos, “rings” and startles me. Our daughter wanting to FaceTime with me. I have many dear friends abroad whom I would love to “catch up with” via technology. Loved your post today, Anne. Enjoy the weekend.


    1. Our daughter lives in Demarest, NJ. The town is 20 minutes from the George Washington Bridge.. She grew up in Stony Brook on Long Island, 50 miles from the city. People commute from there, but houses are more spread out.

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        1. You are right. There isn’t a lot of difference between metropolitan NJ and Long Island. I was the one with culture shock, moving from rural West Tennessee to Queens.

          I don’t know NJ well, only the towns we have driven through. Demarest is in Bergen County. Do you get to visit your daughter often?

          Liked by 1 person

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