Low Key Day after the Fourth

After grandson David went to work, grandson Nathaniel helped Grandpa work on the waterfall in the garden. We didn’t run it last year because it leaked, and they thought they could find the trouble by digging up the hoses. They couldn’t find the leak, but I took a photo of Nate with our glads. A few hours later, heavy rain knocked down five stalks.

On our way out for a drive, we checked on Jonathan Creek. John and I saw it in the morning when it was clear and a bit low. After heavy rain, it was muddy and about six inches higher.

Nathaniel pulled a money tree plant for me near the bridge. I see those plants there every year and wanted a few seeds for our garden.

We went on the Blue Ridge Parkway where the 8s, Kate and Nate, took photos of the mountains. Circling around, we drove through touristy Cherokee, and stopped at Soco Falls. The younger set quickly hiked down the mountain, where they took some lovely shots of the falls. Nathaniel said he wanted new pictures for his computer desktop. Kate got some to take home, too. I was content to look at theirs, knowing I had many similar ones at home.

Nathaniel at Bunches Bald Overlook

33 thoughts on “Low Key Day after the Fourth

    1. Our celebration on the 4th was quiet. We thought several of our neighbors were going to come, but they backed out the night before. There are seven of us in the house this weekend, making parties of all our meals.

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    1. Our siblings have lots more grandchildren than we do, so we concentrate on the two that we have. Right now our son and Rose are living with us, and daughter Kate is spending her two-week vacation here. Our other daughter in Denmark comes for Thanksgiving. We have been so very blessed.

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      1. Thanks Anne – I never knew and I could not picture them looking like the one in the picture all along. Years ago, there was a restaurant in downtown Detroit called “The Money Tree” and their logo was a money tree and they had a huge metal money tree in the lobby and it had the papery looking blooms (that’s not the word I guess).

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  1. Heavy rains snapped a whole stalk of lilies this week. I probably will start staking some of the taller plants. Your Gladiolus are beautiful.

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