Amusement While Walking (AWW)

Neighbor Beth wished us a Happy New Year from the open window of her car. It was unusually warm for a winter’s day. Five degrees warmer, and we would have eaten on the porch! The next person to pass said a pleasant good morning through his open window. We responded in kind. John, ever attentive to car tags (license plates), saw the orange color as the car rolled past and called out, “A NEW YORKER!”

The man heard him. Suddenly his head emerged from the window and turned around completely to face us. “IT’S A RENTAL!!!!” We erupted in laughter as the head disappeared and a hand came out to wave enthusiastically. We waved back, hoping to prove to all that it was a friendly interchange. [For anyone who doesn’t know, John was born in Brooklyn and raised in Queens. He lived most of his live on Long Island.]

29 thoughts on “Amusement While Walking (AWW)

  1. Ha ha – that is funny. It seems that years ago I can remember my father disparaging NYers when driving as he said they were aggressive and more so than other states. I was young and it was before I started to drive and nowadays I find most people drive aggressively, but that is because I drive like a little old lady out on a Sunday drive. People were not nice to us, with Michigan plates, and driving back to Toronto to visit my grandmother. Not only hand gestures, but big rigs playing “chicken” on the expressways. Terrified me when I was doing the driving back and forth (a 240-mile trip, all but 20 of it in Canada).


  2. I’m glad you wrote licence plate in brackets for car tags, Anne! 😀 I’m always amused by the differences in our languages, common yet not the same! What lovely warm weather you’re having and think, maybe soon time to be out in that porch! I love how your greet people … and hope the Non-New Yorker didn’t take offence when you meant so well!


    1. We have language differences in one country! It’s plates in NY and tags in NC. There could be other names elsewhere.

      We haven’t had winter yet, so well have more cold weather. I’m amazed at to gardening blogs from England that have shown photos of flowers blooming outdoors. Now that is civilized weather!

      We hope the non-New Yorker didn’t take offense. People are so sensitive these days that you never know.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reminds me of the time a car’s alert horn went off outside a local diner frequented by coffee drinking police people. “Must be a New Yorker,” said one. “Nobody around here locks their car.” And sure enough the license was from New York!


    1. Oh! That is a good one! Yes, New Yorkers and former New Yorkers lock their cars. We began to lock our cars in our driveway in NY when we noticed someone had sat in the car and smoked cigarettes while we were inside the house. We are pretty sure we know who did it. Wonder what the stats would say — that there are more crazy New Yorkers than those in other states?


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