Home Church, Week 3

We took our positions before the computer with David at the controls. I think we’re beginning to get the hang of this.

Singing parts is fun for us, so we had a hymnal for the music. David was either more prepared than we were, or he still had a foot under the breakfast table. His gnawed-around-the-edges bagel is above the hymn book.

Just before the service began, we greeted other people in the congregation in the sidebar. I realized the comments were active the whole time. Just think, we could have whispered to each other during the sermon!! On the other hand, Pastor might have been watching it with us. The service had been taped ahead and was streamed at the usual times for early and late services. To our credit, we listened quietly.

I thought you might like to see what we looked like as we went to church. David was the photographer because he has the longest arms.

I laughed when I looked at our feet. We were not as polished as we could have been. Socks and clogs in church! Tsk! Tsk!

Would it matter to you what you wore to watch a taped event?

38 thoughts on “Home Church, Week 3

  1. My human’s church was doing a live stream service with less than 10 people so everyone at home could watch but then the diocese ordered the church to lockdown. Now they all do their parts at their own homes and zoom the service. It seems to work. I get to join in and I was only allowed at church before when they did the pet blessings! Now I can mew and purr and follow along. But it’s not that interesting because there is no tuna.

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  2. We have been going to church the same way for three weeks now as well. We are usually dressed, what’s hard to refrain from is looking at a phone, or drinking and eating during church…it just doesn’t feel right, but I think we are supposed to do communion that way on Thursday, so that will be acceptable, lol. Yall looked lovely! And comfy!


  3. Anne, John, David,
    You’re living proof, “the family that prays together, stays together!”
    I love that you harmonize during the hymns! You are certainly making a difficult time in our lives, a fun time to be inspired and worship together in this high tech fashion. Blessings and Peace to you all!


  4. I have been saying for years that if we couldn’t worship our God outside of a building something was terribly wrong. We know that some day if the Lord tarries much longer “church” will be outlawed. Who knew the internet would be so needed .


  5. I am hearing that many people having to do video chats with coworkers are cleaning up their “work space” as far as people can see – this morning I heard there was an app that gave you a soft glow to make you look better to your coworkers. Thank goodness you, John and David are yourselves and enjoyed your church service as much as usual – you are forgiven for your footwear, or lack of it. 🙂

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  6. Our churches encourage us to comment in the sidebars. I think it lets them know we are really there and listening so it’s helpful. It is also a unique way to connect with other worshipers. Next week David should watch you set it up and offer tips so you feel comfortable doing it on your own if he isn’t around 😉


  7. So cool, Anne! Were you using the Zoom program? In the ‘chat’ area on there, you have the option of making your comment seen by everyone, or directed to one person in particular.


  8. Most excellent background for your church attendance. As long as we tidy up the background, our fellow parishioners won’t glimpse any random things in the picture!


    1. Thankfully, others could not see us as we watched the church service. It was a streaming video. John and David will appear in the service for Good Friday. I opted not to be on camera, though I was singing with the choir from a different room.

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