David and I Snowboard

Niece Chrissie offered to let grandson David and me go down the slopes on her snowboard with her, and we jumped at the chance. We were at home in North Carolina, but in Massachusetts via cell phone. She and husband Chris chatted with us on the lift, then she wore her phone and talked with us all the way down. It was exciting. She has been clocked going over 30 miles an hour, although not with us on board. I was amazed at how relaxed she was. She mentioned recently that being totally relaxed was the ideal, and she has been working on that.

Here is a clip Chris took of Chrissie. His shadow shows up, too.

David and I went up a second time with them, eager for more thrills. It was most satisfying. They decided to go in and boarded all the way to their building. That turned out to be more exciting than it sounds. Some tourists were wandering on the pathway, and evidently didn’t know that people on skis or boards have the right of way. Chrissie was annoyed because she couldn’t get around them. With perfectly acceptable language, she criticized them when they were out of earshot.

Inside, they showed us the new floor in their condo, which Chris installed after we visited them a year or so ago. It was fun to see their place again. I was tired after all that armchair exercise, but they were going to play active video games with their children who live in Utah.

46 thoughts on “David and I Snowboard

  1. LOLOL….Anne, when I started reading I was, “WHAT??? what is Anne doing and where is John? He should be stopping her”…..and then I kept reading.
    What a perfect way to snowboard and so painless.


    1. Our niece and nephew live in Massachusetts, which is a long way from our home in North Carolina. They have snow all winter, and they take advantage of it. Thank you for going on the snowboard ride with us.


  2. In just two days we are forecast to get a foot or more of snow which is unheard of in Oklahoma! I believe Texas will also be hit with snow and very low temps in the single digits. Here it will be below zero at night! If we do get that kind of snow, and the temps come up a bit, we’ll get our snowboards and homespun sleds out on the slope behind the house. I won’t be on any of those rides to the bottom. I’ll just stick to being behind the camera, recording everyone else!


    1. My best friend from childhood lives in OK, and she sent me her abbreviated forecast. It sounds like you are ready to enjoy as much of the snow as you can. I would be behind the camera too, if we had snow. Enjoy and write about it!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. No, David and I watched the snowboard action through niece Chrissie’s cell phone. She chatted with us the whole time she was going down. I don’t know where or how she attached the phone. The video clip was taken by her husband Chris. David and I enjoyed it very much.


  3. It was so fun to relive that time though your eyes! I always treasure slope time with you. Let’s do it again 🙂 I was actually holding the phone in my hand. Chris did that, too. That’s why it was all a bit shaky. We don’t have fancy cameras. The video eats the phone battery fast, so I was actually holding the phone open and holding the external battery pack together while we rode down with you 🙂


  4. Well that would be fun – I remember the video from last year you posted. I’ve never been on skis or a snowboard and was pretty shaky on ice skates when I was young and had less of a distance to tumble to the ground.


          1. My grandmother on my father’s side from what I understand. I never met them but my father said his mother was tall. My maternal grandparents were both short. I have a photo of my parents and me where I tower over them. It looks funny.


              1. They laughed about it a lot using the “milkman joke” or said someone switched babies at the hospital. I was only 4 pounds, 11 ounces when I was born and had to stay in the hospital a couple weeks until I fattened up a little. I was a full-term baby, just very tiny. Nathaniel is really handy to have around … I’m not a fan of climbing up on a ladder or stool.


                  1. I never think about buying a snow rake and the calcium chloride pellets that you throw up onto the roof to help the snow melt more quickly, until we have a significant snowstorm, then I remember. I had a difficult time trying to remove snow from the awning over the side door … I was not going to get the ladder out because I would have to move the car out of the garage to access it and even at 5′ 9″ tall, I could not push too much snow from the awning onto the ground. A step stool doesn’t help much either. I’m not going to order those items now as I hope the worst of Winter is over, but I will have it in my arsenal for next Winter for sure.


                    1. I hope so too Anne and that weather-wise, we are creeping toward Summer soon. Tomorrow we get 2-4 inches of snow, beginning in the pre-dawn hours, then through the day and on Sunday, it will not be snow, but more likely freezing rain. Great. Must get the snowplow snow dump gone before the freezing rain.


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