Valentine Special

Neighbor Logan (10) is our family sweetheart, and he spent several hours with us on Saturday when there was no school. He wanted us to tell his parents that he did not look at the computer while here, and I forgot to send that message. The only electronic thing he did was practice sending swiped messages to John on the cell phone. He watched me text his mother and wanted to try it. It’s a fast way, though prone to errors. You drag your finger to the letters of a word, and when you lift your finger, the app proceeds to the next word. He and John exchanged short messages, amid much giggling on Logan’s part.

The lad has a high energy level and is never still for long. He doesn’t bounce off the walls, though. He began to play with the old office chair that John uses as a footstool. Bringing it into the kitchen area, he put a spin on it. I didn’t catch his fastest rate.

Logan steered the chair all around the room with full theatrics. I get tickled at all the things he tries. He is careful not to bump into things.

I was also amused at the lunch table. I always give him a choice of cutlery – utensils like we use or a child’s set. I bought the plastic fork, spoon, and pusher when Logan had almost outgrown it. The pusher caught my fancy, and I thought Logan might use it until his nephew Sufi was old enough for it. The thing is, neither Sufi nor his younger brother Pico has eaten with us.

The utensils are construction vehicles. I hadn’t looked at them closely and didn’t realize there were words on the backs of the handles. Logan turned over the fork and and read the words on the back. They said, “CONSTRUCTIVE EATING.” He could read before he went to kindergarten, so it should have been no surprise to me that he read it aloud easily. I giggled, anyway. It’s always fun to be with our favorite child in the neighborhood.

On the spoon handle: CONSTRUCTIVE EATING

This was our Valentine’s Day breakfast – chocolate brioche buns, one for each of us. Next time I’ll roll more chocolate chips inside. Would you agree with me that you can never have too much chocolate?

41 thoughts on “Valentine Special

    1. Someone told me she had gone through the Hershey factory and couldn’t eat chocolate after it because she was overwhelmed by the smell. I simply couldn’t imagine that. It didn’t last a lifetime, though. She had chocolate some days later.


  1. Love that cutlery, and you remind me of my folks; the neighborhood littles were always coming over, though they seemed to be more girls than boys! Lovely Valentine treats…I couldn’t help myself, I made a Hershey’s perfectly chocolate cake yesterday. It was delicious, so I cut it in half and froze it for later! We do t need an entire chocolate cake!


    1. You were smart to freeze half of that tempting cake. I would have a good excuse not to — our freezer is always too full for anything big enough to be meaningful.

      Logan is the ONLY child on this street, and there are none others even near his age on this area of the mountain. It would be so nice if he had someone nearby to play with. We wouldn’t see much of him, but it would be good for him.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Every time I read a post about Logan, I am reminded of what a blessing you are to him. And what a blessing he is to you and John too! I do agree – you can never have too much chocolate!


  3. So fun! We had a first young guest in two years visit us this past week (she turned 6 on Valentine’s Day). Thanks to you I was ready with a bag of balloons to bop around. Huge hit! (actually, kinda literally at times). It was fun seeing Logan on the chair since our young guest was spinning on my office chair for part of the time, too. Love the life those little ones bring to a home. I miss that sometimes.


    1. You had a balloon partner! Great! The day I posted the videos of Logan with the office chair, Logan choose a hot pink balloon for us to bat about. What a bust! Four in a row burst!! We’d never broken more than one a day before. Maybe they are getting old, because Logan hasn’t been here much with the lock down.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The brioche buns look delicious and pretty with their perfect heart shape, all drizzled with chocolate. The cutlery set was perfect for a boy who likes big construction trucks. Logan is growing up quickly.


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