We Met on Monday

Former neighbor Marla has Sundays and Mondays off. She has to miss our lunches when her dog Albert is groomed, so we met on Monday.

Anne, Shawn, Marla and Connie

We also celebrated Marla’s recent birthday. Can you guess she is a Big Foot fan? The shirt says, “Big Foot saw me, but nobody believes him.”

Do you know anyone who likes Big Foot?

22 thoughts on “We Met on Monday

  1. Yep……I know somebody who “really” believes in Sasquatch! I’m on the fence about them, meaning I’ll believe it when I see it! But I’m not going to outright say they do not exist! Beside I’d like to be the only human who has a good shot (not out of focus and blurry) of one!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Do you know that the majority of Icelandic folk will tell you they believe in fairies? If you ask them how they can be sure without seeing proof, the reply is, “but can you prove they DON’T exist?”

    Very good point…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. From the other shirt we note she also loves Coffee….leading one to presume she wants to be awake when Bigfoot runs past…smart lass!


  4. They say there is a Big Foot living deep in the forest of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and shadowy photos of him have been published, but too shadowy to say “oh my – Big Foot does exist!” How nice you get together off the porch as well. 🙂

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