Fast Food – Fast Way to Die  

Magazines and newspapers are forever telling us that fast food is unhealthy.  John and I rarely go to those places, but we were traveling and wanted a quick meal.  I have to admit that I like all the fast food places and sometimes crave a good hamburger that I didn’t cook myself.  Up till now, I thought I could get away with an occasional indulgence.  I won’t say which chain we went to, but the sign said they are known for their burgers and shakes.  My question is, are they known for good ones or bad ones?  You be the judge.

John unwrapped his hamburger before I did, and the first thing I noticed was fat dripping down onto the wrapper.  He has been avoiding beef since the insertion of a stent, and this had to be the worst thing he could have eaten.  He knew it and said so.  I looked around at the other customers.  They were all of advanced age, well advanced.  We might have been the youngest ones there, and we are not spring chickens.  We are more like dead-of-winter chickens.  A man with a cane approached the counter, accompanied by his gray-haired wife.  They hadn’t even ordered when he keeled over onto the floor, breaking his glasses.  Can you imagine an eatery so bad that just thinking of ordering would do you in?

Young people rushed to the old man’s aid.  They picked up the pieces of his glasses and hoisted him onto a chair.  A teenager behind the counter tossed a cup to a coworker near us, and she filled it with water at the drink station.  Do you suppose they were good at this rescue because they had a lot of practice???

The old couple pulled themselves together and hobbled out.  He was probably too shaken to think of eating.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he learned his lesson and will never go back to that place.  This dramatic warning did not faze us, not in the least.  We calmly finished our burgers and fries, licked our fingers, sucked on our shakes, and toddled out.  Does anyone have an antidote for nightmares?  I have a feeling we should have one handy.

11 thoughts on “Fast Food – Fast Way to Die  

  1. Oh my word Anne, I feel guilty for laughing, but you told that so well. I will heed your warning and stay away from said burger and shakes.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes!! We have a crock pot, one burner camp stove, a tiny oven, and a small fridge! Eating out everyday on the road would be tragic and the cost of food is beyond unreal!

        Liked by 3 people

  2. This is a wonderful hilarious way to warn us of the dangers in fast food. On the other hand, think of all those ancient diners you saw in the place (not counting the one who collapsed). Maybe those drippy burgers and fries have extended their lives? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You never did mention the Shake and that has had center stage in the past. With Mary Agnes still out of town I got an invite to eldest daughter’s last night. Fresh corn, grilled, fresh salad, Hot Dogs and chips. She a Population Health nurse serving up chips and dogs to this old man in Cardiac Rehab, it was great. I’ll do an extra 10 minutes on the treadmill today. I’ve been told the dripping from the Burger lubes the esophagus and thereby eliminates issues along that tract. Easy Flow food is what I’ve been told it’s called. “And away goes trouble down the drain.” No need for a Plumber


  4. I am a sucker for good French fries. Five Guys are my favorites but I can do McDonald’s too. Fortunately I limit my intake for about 3 times a year. I think my oil level is low. Time for a refill.

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  5. Very perceptive and humorous, Anne. I have read a great deal on healthy eating and you are right on about the ‘fats’. There are good fats and bad fats. Unfortunately, most of the medical system has zero idea about healthy eating. Just look around at all the overweight doctors and nurses. They are everywhere! There are also some popular diet books written by overweight people, so I don’t take them seriously either! Animal fats are the worst kind of fats, even if the meats do have other benefits to them. If you are interested in some good books, I can recommend a few to help motivate you and your hubby. But I warn you. If you do what they say, in the long run you will lose weight, go off any blood pressure medication, have way more energy, and feel great too! Just an idea! Hugs …… Debbie 🙂


    1. I’d appreciate a very short list of good books about nutrition. John and I have both had nutritionists to help us, but I’m sure there is lots more to learn. Thank you.


      1. Sure, Anne. Here you go ….. The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell, MD …….. Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane by Kirk Hamilton ….. Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman …….. Food For Life by Dr. Neal Barnard. These are the best ones I’ve found and they took my husband off his blood pressure medication. He and I both lost weight and we had way more stamina in doing these things. I hope you enjoy them. God bless you and yours with excellent health, Anne. You have the joy and that’s a great help too. 🙂

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