Emergency Gardening

Kacey was on the back porch with me when she suddenly began to gag. I immediately hooked her to the line and let her outside. She rushed to eat as much grass as she could, so I presumed she was trying to make herself vomit. I sat on the steps watching her and making soothing sounds. Looking inside, I thought there was part of a shoelace there, but there are no rogue shoelaces in this house. The limp thing was a stem from a coleus plant. I’ve read lists of plants that are harmful to children and animals, but I couldn’t remember any of them at that moment. Kacey seemed fine, so we went to bed and had a good night’s sleep.

After walking this morning, I went into emergency gardening mode. I cut the larger plants and put them in water to root on the railing where the dog couldn’t get to them. The lower parts I planted outside, again where she wouldn’t be able to reach them. When I knew the emergency was over, I consulted Alexa. She told me that some coleus plants are harmful to cats, dogs, and horses.

26 thoughts on “Emergency Gardening

  1. Quick thinking…probably because you are always early to accomplish things, right? 😁 I am sure the gardening was a lot of extra work in this heat, but you are a good grandog mum to do it. She does look gorgeous in that photograph.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hope she she well! I am glad it did no harm. Very helpful you describe the coleus plant! So nice that photo.

    You are so smart immediately removed the plants your garden.

    Tack Care,Anne!


      1. The limp thing was a stem from a coleus plant. I’ve read lists of plants that are harmful to children and animals, you had write that’,Anne!

        I can search goggles about that plant but no any where written the plant harmful. I can guess you write above sentences then I write you remove that harmful plant.


  3. Google to the rescue – thankfully you had a quick answer and the garden had a quick haircut. Interestingly, I read that dogs can’t have ice cream or chocolate. My aunt and grandmother lived together and were big ice cream eaters – the dog got a bowl too and he also got a “Jersey Milk” occasionally which was a plain milk chocolate bar. Now I read info on Facebook – never feed ice cream or chocolate to a dog. Apache would have lived to a ripe old age had he not gotten the Parvo virus on a walk in the neighborhood.


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