Thank You

To all of you who follow me, thank you. It makes my day to know you’ve read a post and liked or commented on it.

To those bloggers I follow, thank you for your patience. Over the last several weeks I gradually realized I hadn’t heard from some who had been posting regularly. When one commented on something of mine, I saw there were published posts I had not seen. That was strange. Why had I not been notified via email? That’s when I discovered about 20 of you had become disengaged. I don’t know how that happened, because I had not yet found the manage area of Reader. I think I am now reconnected and look forward to reading and responding to your posts again.

Following was my solution to the problem:

At the top left of my blog, I clicked Reader and then Manage. The bloggers I follow appeared. Clicking on the arrow to the left of the first one, I saw “Emails for new posts”. On the right side of the page, the button was set to off. No wonder I hadn’t been getting notifications! I went through the whole list, checking each name and clicking the offs to ons. Some people who were blocked were recent additions, and others were ones I had followed for a year or two.