Celebrating an Anniversary

We began the celebration of our 56th wedding anniversary on grandson David’s day off. The list of restaurants we brought up included local ones and some in Asheville. David came up with the winner, one that had slipped our minds. He remembered that when his brother was here, we went to Square Root in Brevard on a day he was working. We promised him we’d go again so that he could experience it. We found that it had reopened with 50% capacity seating and took a chance. The drive on a small road over the mountain took a long time, so the lunch rush was over when we arrived. What a treat we had!

For the foodies: we had an eggplant and portobello sandwich, a hot ham and fig sandwich, and planked salmon with succotash and rice.

Salmon with succotash and rice

The ending was spectacular. We split a slice of key lime pie and a piece of cake they called a chocolate tower. I was hurrying to take a quick photo, and David turned the plates to show the desserts to advantage. The pie had a most intense lime flavor, enough to make us roll our eyes with delight. Words wouldn’t do the chocolate justice. Never mind justice, we should have asked for mercy after savoring the cake. It was sinfully good!!

Just desserts

Taking a different route home, John urged David and me to get out by a mountain stream. With David’s help, I got down the rather steep bank. If the video works for you, you’ll hear the roar of the stream and see the water rushing under roots of a tree. The roots had grown over big rocks for a solid base, but there was no earth around half the roots.

Unearthly roots

In case you can’t see it, below is a still photo of David as he tried to get a video looking upstream.

David with skeletal roots

Nearer home, we went to the water’s edge at a local swimming hole. Children were jumping off a big rock into deep water, while adults lounged in camp chairs. David and his mother Kate swam downstream from there last year. This might be a good place for them to swim when she comes this year.

52 thoughts on “Celebrating an Anniversary

  1. Wishing y’all many blessings on your Flag Day, 56th Anniversary! Looks like you had a wonderful day of celebration! Miss y’all 💚🥰💜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Huge Congratulations Anne and John. You made a very good start with being able to get a special meal and the perfect puds and find somewhere spectacular to stop on the way home for a video which contains a mighty roar more or less, Enjoy your Church Services today.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


  3. Happy Anniversary!! I love your blogs. I read every one, and I love laughing with you! You are so talented, and I’m glad we are “kin”!


  4. Happy anniversary and congratulations on 56 years! We will celebrate 42 this summer. It sounds like you had a perfect day. And now I want some chocolate cake!


    1. Congratulations on 42 years! Yes, we had a perfect day, and we continued celebrating today. We bought a small chocolate cake that we will substitute for supper. That’s living wild for us.


  5. Looks and sounds like tasty food to celebrate your anniversary – congratulations! David is fearless crouching on the wet rocks with a phone in his hand … I’d likely slip off and take a tumble and the phone would fly into the water. I remember David and Kate climbing the rocks last year when she visited. That’s quite a roar from that water.


          1. I thought maybe there was no algae or goo on them since the water moved so quickly. I am always amazed how crystal clear the water is at the Detroit River shoreline – clear as a bell. The current is swift, but you can see to the bottom which is surprising for such a large body of water.


              1. Yes, it is and in the Winter the steel plant, which recently closed down after nearly a century, used to send big plumes of steam from the factory and it melted all the ice in the cove area, so you had snow around the clear water – it was amazing to see. You’d think it would be polluted from so many freighters and tugs going up and down the River, but it was not.

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