Thanksgiving Wrap-up

My request for a photo almost made grandson David late for work, but he was willing to pose with the finished family puzzle. Some of the crew stayed up quite late finishing it. I liked niece Chrissie’s stance, leaning on grandson Nathaniel. I’m pretty sure Nate was on his knees.

Chrissie took this photo the day before of Lise, David, and me.

Friend Linda chose photos from our family reunion to have the puzzle made. This is one we will work again and again.

The suitcases were packed and ready to go when Nathaniel did the mirror ritual. John, Chrissie, Lise, and son John $pencer were there for the final photo.

Daughter Lise had been with us two weeks before flying back to Denmark. After she went through security, we had a few more minutes with Chrissie in the airport before she boarded her plane to Massachusetts, and then we drove Nathaniel to Charlotte. I don’t know how far John and I drove, but Lise was over the ocean and Chrissie almost home when we returned to our house. This had been a most satisfying visit.

37 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Wrap-up

  1. What a wonderful idea to have a puzzle made from the family reunion photo! So sad to move the mirror again. I bet you can’t wait for Nathaniel to come visit again and move it back!


    1. We always look forward to Nathaniel’s visits. He will be going to NY to spend the holidays with his dad, so he won’t be with us this year. It was great that he came for two full days this time.


  2. Slowly but surely I am catching up in Reader and everyone’s been gone a week already as I read this! You are always making good memories in your house. Everyone helped on the puzzle and I like the finished result. Will you leave the puzzle out for the holidays or take it apart and re-do it by yourself? I thought of you today because I got the 2020 Advent calendar that comes free with the Jacquie Lawson subscription. I remember you said you had the Advent calendar one year. So I was a few days behind watching it and caught up tonight. It now downloads to your desktop and is really exquisite. They were showing a book that you had to click to turn each page to view it. On one page they discussed marzipan pigs and how they are popular at Christmas time. They explained the one hidden almond prize too. I think they said Norway made more marzipan candy than any other country. I would have liked to take a screenshot to show you, but you had to watch it full screen and if you exit the screen, you are at your desktop.


    1. We have that advent calendar. A former partner of the firm I worked for sends it to me every year! David and I look at it together every night. Have you clicked on the clock? I love watching the moon, too. It is set to show the moon as we would see it that day.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I didn’t look today – I had to catch up with it as I had not done any of the numbered days, just the tutorial and took a spin the day I downloaded it. That’s nice of the partner to do that for you. Are there different versions? I have the Nordic version that came with my card subscription – maybe it is a basic version?
        In the past they had Cotswald (sp) Cottage too. Did you see the storybook of customs with the pink pig?


          1. I looked llast night before shutting down my computer – I found the clock and clicked and saw the hands of the clock spinning around, but could not find the moon, just the Northern Lights. I was so late viewing that I saw the December 13th events and the 14th events too. I used to be able to play Santa Lucia on the accordion about a half-century ago!


            1. The moon is just a sliver right now. I didn’t notice it last night, but you’d have to pull the village down to see the sky on the calendar.

              I knew some of the words of Santa Lucia and sang it when David and I looked at it. He noticed that the people file around the church now in the background.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I have to start looking at night like you and David since I have to be out of other programs to see it. I will take another look tonight. The clock hands were funny. I had not heard Santa Lucia in many years and I saw the choirboys walk into the church single file, followed by the parishioners. It must take a lot of programming to make this beautiful calendar.


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