The Caesars

John opened the box from Amazon while I cleared the table after lunch. I wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing, and he suddenly said with conviction, “Lars is an excellent writer!”

We have been thrilled by his books before, so he was just underscoring something we already knew. John loves history, too, so he can compare Lars’ fresh words with the thousands of history books he has read through the years.

“Listen to this,” John said. “Unfortunately, in the bloodsport of Roman politics, money, ambition, and talent were necessary ingredients, and the elder Caesar lacked all three.”

This is one sentence from page two of The Caesars Vol. 1 by Lars Brownworth, published in 2021. When son John $pencer came in, John read aloud another sentence or so. $ put his name next on the invisible sign-up sheet to read the book. If anyone can bring dusty ancient history to life, it is Lars. I do not normally choose to read history, but my name is third on the list.

34 thoughts on “The Caesars

  1. Love this! Love that he is reading it to you and then to $ and love the idea of the “invisible sign up sheet.” Although we have not done it for years there were times early in our life together when we would play “Dueling bookmarks” sharing the same book. We each had different opportunities to read so it worked. I usually lost the game, but I loved it. It was easy to ask questions and opinions when we were in the same book. Fun! Michele


    1. That’s marvelous that you shared books in real time!

      There is lots of love around this book. We watched Lars grow up, always with a book in his hand. He would put it down if anyone spoke to him, but otherwise he was reading. We are very proud of our nephew, John’s sister’s son.

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  2. I’m not familiar with Lars Brownworth. My husband reads a lot of history books, but his interests revolve around American presidents. And any wars they’ve been in. And any legal battles they’ve endured. Dry stuff by my reasoning.


  3. I am not a history buff, but my father was and when I was young, and with only one TV in the house, my mom and I had to suffer through WWII war movies. When I think of Caesar, I think of salad/dressing and also trying to earn extra credit in old biddy Ms. Honyak’s class in 10th grade. If we memorized the soliloquy which begins “Friends, Romans, countrymen – lend me your ears” we could get extra credit in her class. So I memorized it and when I stood in front of the class, I forgot the entire passage, though I’d practiced it for days and still can recite some of it – in fact I just recited 11 lines of it after Googling it … the rest is fuzzy. She did not grant me a private audience for that extra credit either. The things that are still rattling around my brain sometimes.


      1. Yes, no need to pay attention after you were the star of the show first. 🙂 I’ll bet you still remember some of what you memorized. I’d never spoken in front of anyone before, so I was speechless.


          1. It’s amazing how we remember those passages we memorized all these years ago. I always thought Ogden Nash’s poems were cute and funny … kind of like an early Dr. Seuss. I went to day camp one Summer, every day for about a month and I can remember some of those ditties we used to sing.


  4. Anne, thank you for this intriguing post. Reading aloud is an art form! We were tasked to read aloud one of the books our children were reading at school. Chapter books. We each read aloud at dinner or right afterwards. Such a relaxing activity and one which stimulates good conversations. Kudos. Be well. oxox


      1. My mother used to change her voice to reflect different characters e.g. Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I learned well from her so when I read the story aloud in German, I did the same disguising my voice for Mama, Papa and Baby Bear. Growing up, we were read to at bedtime. Special time of day. oxox

        Liked by 1 person

  5. My eldest son is a huge history buff. Maybe I will have to get him this book for his birthday. My dad also used to read a lot of history. I can remember him reading about Caesars.


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