A Fun Funeral

In my Southern American culture, a funeral is a celebration of life for a person who lived a long, full life. I can say with certainty that John, a Yankee by birth, would have enjoyed his own funeral. He experienced what I call a “good funeral” when my dad died years ago. We were at the funeral home for two 2-hour periods when family and friends dropped by to visit. The next day we had the service at church and followed the hearse to the cemetery for a short graveside ceremony. This was a reunion of family and friends where people shared remembrances of Dad, caught up on life events, and laughed freely at funny stories. The warmth and love flowed freely, drawing us all together. There is nothing quite like a good funeral.

Our circumstances were a bit different for John. He died four hours from home, and grandson David had been with him at the train club. Caring friends spent time with David, giving him time to recover overnight before driving back here. Neighbor Shawn spent the night in our house so I wouldn’t be alone. Neighbors Bob, Logan, Jeff and his wife, Joyce, Holly, Frankie, and Lisa spent time with me and brought food. My brother Bob came for a few days, and then daughter Lise arrived from Denmark. Family and friends were in contact. How could you not see joy in life when surrounded with such love and support?

Lise and niece Chrissie did all the planning for this great gathering of kinfolks. They found the one date that worked for the most number of people. There were roughly 20 who ate dinner with us the night before the service and those 20 plus another 20 had lunch here after it. Lise’s friend Marco was the chef, who had a great round of applause at the end.

John’s sister Barbara had a birthday on the date of his funeral. Her children brought an ice cream cake, which disappeared before it could think of melting. I thought it marvelous that we celebrated an ongoing life on this particular day. The video shows all who were there except the ones that had to leave earlier.

Most funeral gatherings do not feature a magic show, but ours did. Lise knew Rick was coming, and after checking with me, asked if he would perform for us. Neighbor Logan was his assistant for one part.

Rick ended the show playing the musical saw, accompanied by his wife Myra.

The reason I could celebrate John’s life now is that I am convinced he has gone to be with the Lord. Jesus promised that he would go ahead of us to prepare a place for us. Everyone who believes that he died for our sins and rose to life again will be with him in paradise. What marvelous grace is available to us if we accept it!

Link to the video of the memorial service – vimeo.com/726313494

48 thoughts on “A Fun Funeral

  1. So beautiful & emotional written and nice celebration with families & friends. So beautiful all pic. Nice pic with your sister. Nice megic video. I like. Beautiful celebration for birthday video 🎁. Nice funearl is a elebration of life. God bless you🙏


  2. Thank you for letting us be part of this celebration of life. John would have loved it, the smiles, the magic show, the birthday, and ending with Edelweiss on the musical saw. Perfect. You are blessed with great family and friends and a wonderful husband. Prayers and hugs my friend.


  3. It was a beautiful celebration of life. As an attendee, I found it easy to talk with people and share memories — even the ones I had never met before — thanks to your blog. I already “knew” a lot of them thanks to your writing. That made the celebration even nicer as we already had the backstory of most people and could get right down to the memories. Thank you for gifting us with your writing all these years. It was such a treasure spending time with you, celebrating a man who is already sorely missed. I look forward to being all together again in the next world someday. Love you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Sounds like a wonderful send off. My family used to have funeral reunions as we called them but many of the cousins are gone. The youngers ones don’t seem as interested. John would have absolutely enjoyed it. I’m grateful I had a chance to meet you both!


    1. All our nieces and nephews, except one who was unwell and one who was traveling, were there. They will keep the family together for a long time. I like the name funeral reunion. Very descriptive!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Because of your delightful stories, Anne, it’s as if a dear friend went on home. You have my thoughts, prayers and of course sincerest wishes that the joy of the Lord continues to keep you and your family.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers. I knew it would be a grand celebration of life.
    PS…Please send me your mailing address so a proper card can be sent to you. I would so love to create one ,,,just for you…btparkison@gmail.com…..Faye ..over at Chickengrandma has ask too


  7. What a beautiful post. I can tell that John was well loved. I hope having so many of you family and friends there helped you get through the funeral. I know you friends and family will continue to support you.


  8. A grand way to honor John with everyone who loved him sharing precious memories, smiling, laughing and loving. That love and support of family and friends is priceless.


  9. What a wonderful sendoff for John, whom we all feel like we know from your blog posts and a wealth of photos featuring him. You had family and friends gather to celebrate John’s life – he would be happy to know he was feted so grandly.


  10. This was a wonderful gathering of love and support for you while celebrating John’s life. Thank you for sharing the link to the service, I was hoping to have the chance to watch it. Sending love and prayers your way.


  11. Perhaps that is what funerals are for, in one way. Gathering together family so we can support each other and make the bereaved happy in a time of grief.


  12. I was deeply touched by hearing the reading from Paul in 2nd Timothy as I reflected on the words in relation to your beloved John. I too was as moved as the reader of that passage at the funeral service. Peace and love.


  13. John did indeed have a good funeral. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Being from the South I, too, understand the meaning of a “good” funeral. And being from a large clan I have attended quite a few. My Great Aunt Rena loved a good funeral and always enjoyed herself immensely – eating, hugging, laughing and talking. When we attended her funeral several of us mentioned that we were sorry she was missing her own funeral because we knew how much she would have enjoyed it………then again I suspect she was somewhere among us.


  14. I’m so sorry for your loss, Anne… but so very glad you have such a warm, wonderful family and such lovely supportive friends and neighbours to offer ‘tea and sympathy’ and then some! Big hugs to you. ❤


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