First Snow of the Season

Mountain snow doesn’t mess around. Instead of gradually working up to a good storm, our weather jumped in with inches of snow. I walked Dolly before it hit its stride. The view at the top of our street sent mixed signals – autumn overlay on winter.

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I tried to get Albert with snow on his nose, but missed. The dogs were frisking in the snow, and neighbor Marla and I were agreeing about our love of white weather. We made a happy foursome!

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John went to play with trains and is missing all this wonderful weather. I’d get out there and wallow in the snow if I thought I could get up gracefully.

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30 thoughts on “First Snow of the Season

    1. I tested the road several times to make sure there was not ice under the snow. If Dolly had pulled me at the wrong time, I could have gone down. John’s sister loves to ski, but I never had a chance to learn. Do you ski?


  1. Wow, that’s a lot! 4 – 5 inches? We have had only a very light dusting I can see on rooftops. (I’m on the 14th floor of an apartment building.) Unreal, N. Carolina having more snow than Montreal, Quebec?!! Wow!


      1. Only the first one or any in December. After that I’m ready for spring. It hasn’t started hitting the ground here yet. As it turns out, our air is so dry it’s evaporating and not making it to the ground. So maybe we won’t get any. They are getting snow along the Jersey and Delaware coastline. Not having to drive in it is HUGE!


    1. Dolly and Albert love snow. John and I took Dolly to the creek with us three days, but I did not go that far by myself the two days John was not here. Dolly is very strong and pulled forward constantly. Her family came home this afternoon, so I won’t be walking her tomorrow. In fact, I’m not walking at all because the snow is too deep. It is so beautiful.

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