Bird Spa and Restaurant

When I thought we were going to have Spring, I ordered a solar bird fountain. It sat in its box for several weeks until the sun finally came out. While John was away playing with trains, I set it up. I chose the most conservative-looking tip, one that I thought might not spray water everywhere. The spray was lovely, but much too enthusiastic. The height of the water should have been no higher than 18 inches, but it was probably six inches higher than that. Water spewed everywhere on this windy day.

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There is no battery, so the fountain runs when the sun is on it and stops in shade. I held my hand over it and took it out of the water. With the spray tip off, the fountain was much tamer. John would not have been a happy camper if he had seen how far the water sprayed the first time. In the second photo, you can see how far the water dampened the deck before I squelched it.

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I put fresh seeds on the deck and retreated to my computer to see who would come to the bird restaurant or explore the water feature first. A song sparrow felt food was more important and swooped down for seeds. A dove perched on the birdbath, watched the bubbling water, and took a drink from the pool. A bawdy blue jay wanted to go skinny-dipping, but he lost his nerve and flew off. I was pleased to see a female hummingbird sip sugar water. The males return first, followed by the females. This must be nesting time for them.

Later in the afternoon there were clouds floating by. The fountain was very sensitive to that. It spurted up proudly in full sun and exploded sporadically when a cloud went over. I predict the birds and I are going to enjoy their new spa.

33 thoughts on “Bird Spa and Restaurant

  1. Marge had one of those solar birdbaths Anne and it was fascinating to watch the water spurts, even without the birds even in it. She had a green fountain which looked like stained glass in the middle of the yard and put the gizmo inside. I didn’t know she had it and I came home from walking one sunny day and had to look twice as the water was making several valiant attempts to “make like a geyser” out of the water. I watched it and the birds did come around for drinks. Her fountain was small though, so not many birdbaths were taken, just drinks. It does keep the birdbath from getting that red algae on it since the water is constantly running. She had a heated birdbath that hooked on the deck too but it burnt out as Jeff didn’t fill it with water. I used to put snow in it when I shoveled the snow.

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    1. That heated birdbath held a different form of water when you shoveled. Today was the first day I had water on the deck. I’m amazed at the number of birds that came for a drink. Gotta watch it, though. I see the forecast is for temps below freezing tomorrow.

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      1. Like you, I was fascinated with its attempts to shoot up in the air. The sun was not that strong when I came home. Marge said it worked really well on the sunny days. The birds never liked the heated birdbath and I don’t know why, except maybe it is cold out and they are reluctant to get their feathers that wet. Water fowl have more oil in their feathers … maybe that’s why? I put handfuls of snow in to melt and keep the motor from burning up, but I think it was destroyed in the end anyway. My friend in NY has a heated birdbath all Winter on her deck and the birds really enjoy it – she watches them from the house. She shelters feral cats on the deck (other side) and has heated pads for them under the straw in the shelter boxes and also heated dishes for their water and food, otherwise it freezes almost instantly … her biggest issue is the raccoons who want to eat, drink and sleep in the shelters.


          1. I asked Marge if there was any chance the element would get too hot but she didn’t say there were any precautions for the birds, just to ensure there was water in the birdbath so the element didn’t burn out.

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  2. I love the many varieties we get in our backyard even though I don’t encourage them because I also have a kitty that likes them. Many a bird has been extracted from those fierce jaws and age (she’s 15) doesn’t stop her. I’ve seen her go airborne before (She thinks she can fly) such is her determination. Our neighbor has many such fountains and feeders to attract and boy was he disappointed to learn we came with a kitty. So we get our fair share to observe. They even planted their own sunflowers in our yard, which draws them further.

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      1. Yeah, well that’s one gift we wish she didn’t have. *smile* We had a friend in Colorado that every time he visited, she’d lay a “gift” at our doorstep for him and only him. She obviously held him in high esteem and he was such an odd fellow (I almost said odd “duck”), but she liked him.

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    1. I had used that birdbath a couple of years ago, but the birds were not impressed. This time, in addition to the gentle fountain, I have two rocks in the water that they can hop on. That seems to make them more comfortable. I’ll have to watch and see if the squirrels go for the water. I think they prefer our in-ground pools (those making the waterfall in the backyard).

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    1. Most grandchildren would be thrilled to feel the spray, especially if they are dressed up and ready to go somewhere. I could move that fountain to the back where the spray would hit only gravel. The water would have to be topped up regularly, though.

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  3. I love to watch the birds, so I can imagine how entertaining it would be to see them on your deck. I was in Missouri visiting my daughter last week (in Florida this week), and we went to a civil war battlefield run by the National Park Service. We were sitting and visiting and the cardinals and bluejays would flit nearby infusing the scenery with bright color. I wish we’d brought seed with us, but we didn’t even think about it.

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